90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit

Are You Ready to
Turn Passion Into Profit with

Get the All-In-One System that Transforms Struggle and Overwhelm into Funder-Ready Solutions at Your Fingertips

There are nonprofit leaders who hustle everyday—writing grants non-stop, but are still self-funding their organizations.

And then, there are those who generate consistent outside revenue and see massive success without the struggle.

You’re overwhelmed by all the conflicting information on the internet…

…and it’s not bringing in revenue.

You don't know how to go from volunteering (no profit) to generating consistent streams of outside revenue (profit) so you can stop self-funding your organization.

Ask yourself…

Are you running a nonprofit or is it running you?

You started out strong with an idea to change lives and then decided to start a nonprofit to help bring that dream to life. But now you’re knee-deep in, with no budget, and no idea how to fund it. 

The internet tells you to focus on grants and fundraising, so that’s all you’ve been doing (and why the nonprofit is running you)…

Only to find yourself wondering when it’s going to come together? When will the money start flowing in? When will YOU start generating the revenue you see other nonprofits getting?

You post “We Are Here to Serve” on IG, when in reality, we is ‘you’ and you are:

Tired from working your “real” job, then working your nonprofit

Overwhelmed by all the conflicting information on the internet

Struggling to figure out what to do without spending more of your hard earned money only to see no results.

What’s worse is everywhere you look, people are posting about winning grants for identical programs as yours, charging twice the price for half the quality.


You’ve done all the things a nonprofit’s supposed to do

You delivered a program--or three. Learned how to D.I.Y. your website. Maybe secured a $5,000 grant. And hired a couple of 1099 employees. Now you're hustling through every grant submission unsure of where your next (or first!) donation is coming from.

I get it

Most Founders spend countless hours learning how to write grants, fundraise, strategize, and market programs with little results before focusing on the ONE THING successful nonprofit leaders really need to generate consistent revenue

You need a system to manage all the moving parts…

…to know what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and most importantly, how it all fits together.

And the thought of figuring all these out alone (*ahem* Googling your brains out) has got you s.t.r.e.s.s.i.n.g.

If you’re thinking…

“Amber How’re You In My Head?! ”

I’ve been in the nonprofit sector for 30 years and I’ve seen it all.

Enough to know that there are a few things successful nonprofits have in common, they:

--- focus on building their nonprofit infrastructure & systems

--- send out are ironclad grants and 100% have what funders are looking for

--- have a funder-ready budget

--- have a seasoned board

So, I’ve condensed THREE DECADES of experience as an Executive Director, Grant Writer, Board Member and Funder to help you go from no-profit to profitable in 90 days with an ironclad framework called…


A proven framework to take your nonprofit from self-funding to profitable in just 90 Days.

Unlike The Wynn Method™, most consultants only give nonprofit leaders a high-level overview of what to do. You have to figure out why you’re doing it, when to do it, and most importantly, how to do it. They don’t give you the roadmap, so you can understand how everything fits together. They don’t give you examples of how things should look from the funder's perspective, and they most definitely don't give you real-life templates. So, you end up making stuff up, unsure, and turning in things that don’t look how the funders expect them to look.

I want to give you EVERYTHING you need to succeed.

There are 4 Parts to
The Wynn Method™:


What red flags cause organizations to get screened out from funding


Why the IRS/Funders ask for certain information (Nonprofit knowledge building


The Roadmap for How to pull all the pieces together (and in what order


Templates, Tool Kits, Sample Language and Examples for how To do the work to transform your organization

Leverage The Wynn Method™ so that you can be in your community delivering programs that create the impact you dream of.


Because you're SO DONE working 14-hour days (at your day job, THEN put in another 8 at your nonprofit) figuring it out alone.


From self-funding to covering bills in 30 days!

 “I was so exhausted, working full time and then running my nonprofit. I was doing all the heavy lifting. I worked with Amber, and within 30 days I went from self-funding the organization to having the bills covered by other sources. What a relief it’s been not stressing over depleting my personal account to keep the organization going.”

Kelly King
Executive Director | Flamestohope.org

Allow me to introduce…

  The 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit Program

The One-And-Done System that will teach you how to leverage your passion + skills and turn them into consistent revenue.

Create a solid infrastructure that gets you there (even if you're just starting out!)

 Just imagine... 

…Celebrating your first 6-figure grant while delivering amazing programs

…Saying #ByeFelicia to that nightmare boss because you have a full-time paid position waiting for you

…Serving clients that sing your praises, love your programs, and gladly pay for your expertise

Freedom. Flow. Fulfillment. 

Check. Check. Check.

 Oh, and let's add a few more digits to your bank account balance while we’re at It.

The 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit Program
is the quickest path to focusing on what lights you up inside.

It'll save you time + money + your sanity as you build out your organization infrastructure.

What You’ll Learn

  1. Eliminate guesswork on what you need to work on next to grow your nonprofit with ONE clear + proven framework to apply #ByeOverwhelm


  2. Learn How To Properly Craft Content + Create Documents, Financial Statements = Pass Funder eligibility screening 

  3. Get live hands-on support with a "Do-It-Together" Approach so that you can stop struggling to figure it out alone




Who’s Behind
The 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit

Hi, I’m Amber Wynn

Here's why you should trust me…

With over 30 years of nonprofit experience, I’ve done everything from emptying the trash to developing programs, from raising over $8.6 million in grants (largest award $3.2 million, most recent $3 million) as a grant writer to serving as an Executive Director; from serving on Boards to giving out over $7 million annually in grants as a Funder—I’ve done it all!

When I was an Executive Director, I found myself overwhelmed with doing #allthethings you see consultants teaching online. It wasn't until I became a funder that everything changed. This INSIDER INFO is what I wish I had as an Executive Director. It’s what’s going to take you from being exhausted and struggling to feeling confident about how to transform your organization into a profitable nonprofit. 

"Generating consistent revenue to fund their nonprofit" is the #1 thing Founders struggle with. I battle-tested the best and worst strategies...for years.

Lots of success, some failures, thousands of dollars in trial + error. Can I save you from those growing pains? Skip the line with all of my best strategies, systems + tools, perfectly packaged inside 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit.

Ready to become my next success story? I can't wait to meet you inside!

I gotchu!

Peek Inside
The 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit


Have you been making things up as you go? Nonprofits are Governed by the IRS.  I'Il teach you the rules of engagement so you structure your organization for alignment, focus, impact and profit.


Uncover your unique superpower and what sets you apart from your competitors. You'll learn my "Validate THEN Create” Method so that you never create a nonprofit that will struggle to get funded. (funding is not automatic!). It’s time to amplify your cause and RISE to the top of your niche.


Learn how to build an infrastructure that powerfully positions your organization to pass funders’ eligibility screening processes.


Did you just Choose three people so that you can file your paperwork? We'll cover the role and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and how to recruit a powerhouse governance team who is engaged and actively fundraising.

Module 5: THE BUDGET

We dive deep into how the budget is the Key to your nonprofit generating consistent revenue. I show you how the budget Is a tool used by leaders, IRS, and Funders. Say goodbye to dipping into your personal bank account with these strategies to fully fund your organization.


Remove the Red Flags that keep you from passing the Funder’s Screening Process. Learn what funders look for when determining which organizations they will fund. Use customizable templates to craft “Funder-Ready” letters, website pages and grant content – because CEO's don't start from scratch!


You can fast track your success and see results in just 90 days. Get the path to effective nonprofit processes, practices, and systems that positions your organization to be able to deliver on requests: financials, impacts, sustainability, legalities, ethics, and leadership.


Learn how to build an Fund Development Strategy that helps your organization have 10 Funding Streams. Powerfully position your nonprofit for long-term impact and sustainability by creating multiple ways of generating outside revenue to fully fund your organization.


Compliance is how you prove to funders that you used their funds the way you said you would. It’s how you’re able to produce financial statements and impact reports. It’s also how you position your organization for grant renewals year after year.




I get it. You're busy. Less is more.

That's why I've built a program based on QUALITY, not over whelming quantity.

In the time it takes to binge half a season of [insert your favorite Netflix show] you could be FLOODING your nonprofit business with multiple streams of revenue instead.

Can I Overdeliver For You With Some


No more information overload or getting stuck!

You get LIVE group coaching hosted on Zoom - with access to my 30+ years of nonprofit experience. Look over my shoulder as I give you tailored support to workshop any business challenges you have.

BONUS #2: Private Community to ask questions and get feedback from me and others in the community

Get my direct feedback on where your nonprofit is at and my advice and next steps on how to achieve your nonprofit goals.

MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #3: How To Build Out The Nonprofit Volunteer Program

Get the A-Z blueprint for building a system for managing an effective program.

MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #4: Insider Secrets for Successful Grant Writing

Learn the tricks, tips and insider secrets of a 25-year grant writer (largest award 3.2 million).

MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #5: Board Recruitment Toolkit

A comprehensive package has EVERYTHING you need to make board recruitment seamless: from the board matrix grid, template recruitment letters, and the personal invitation, to the interview questions, acceptance/rejection letters, to the board orientation and contract.

Ready to be my next Profitable Nonprofit Success?

“We went from $80,000 in annual donations to $616,056 in a year.

We kept trying different ways to raise money, but nothing seemed to work. We went through training with Amber Wynn and went from annual donations of $80,000 a year to $975,056 so far this year. If our donations stay on track, our revenues will be $1,000,000,000 by the end of the year. Deciding to work with Amber was the best decision our organization ever made.”

Yasmin Delahoussaye, Co-Founder

“My organizational budget increased four times within one year.

I applied what I learned from Ms. Wynn and my organizational budget increased four times within one year. She has expert knowledge in non-profit administration and knows what funders look for in making the decision to award funds. I would not be where I am today had I not taken her course.”

Yvonne Anderson, Executive Director
The Gailen & Cathy Reevers Center for Community Empowerment

Jacob Adams Stem To The Future

“I am so much more confident in a room full of funders.

I am clear about my outcomes. What used to take me 30 minutes to explain to funders, I can do it in literally 5 minutes because of that Organizational Profile. I am so much more confident in a room full of funders.”

Jacob Adams, Executive Director

Join the
90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit

✅ 9 Easily Digestible Modules that teach you everything you need to build a solid nonprofit infrastructure (with video)

✅ Easy Tech Vault

✅ Done-For-You Templates, Cheat Sheets + Guides

✅ Lifetime Access to course materials

✅​ BONUS #1: LIVE Weekly Coaching: Get step-by-step strategy + my eyes on your business

✅ BONUS #2: Private Community to ask questions and get feedback from me and others in the community

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #3: How To Build Out The Nonprofit Volunteer Program (valued at $2500)

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #4: Insider Secrets for Successful Grant Writing (valued at $497)

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #5: Board Recruitment Toolkit (valued at $3500)

Total Value = $14,238

Normal Price = $2997

You Pay = $1997*

(payment plans available with Klarna)

*use coupon code in email to avail $1000 OFF

30-Day Risk-Free Guarantee

On the fence? That's a dangerous place to be if you want real results!

 Here's the deal. I know this program will work for you. I eat, breathe and sleep this stuff and I'm obsessed with your success. 

So let me remove 100% of the risk.

You have a 30-Day NO-RISK GUARANTEE to go through the Profitable Nonprofit, download everything and attend the live workshop.

If you try the 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit and it doesn't work for you, I'll provide extra coaching to help you build out your nonprofit or issue you a 100% refund if I decide I can’t help you strengthen your infrastructure successfully.

That's how much believe in the Profitable Nonprofit and in you – I take all the risk away, so you're left with ZERO excuses.

From the Profitable Nonprofit Members

“I always felt like the nonprofit world was very intimidating.

I felt like I all the light bulbs starting coming on and things started connecting and it didn’t feel like everything was going over my head because the terms were so lofty and large; I really felt equipped that I could be in a nonprofit space and in rooms with nonprofit people and understand what was going on.”

Jessica and Pam Williams
Our World Productions Virtual Events

“I struggled to get contracts until Amber taught me this little secret about budgets – remarkable results!

I was frustrated and was struggling to close contracts for a program with proven results. After Amber showed me how to shift the focus from the

cost of the program ($13,000 for 14 weeks) to $25 per participant per week I started closing deals. Real game changer. Amber is brilliant!”

Melanie Butarrazzi, Executive Director

If you’re thinking…

“I can learn this on my own for free”

It's true. The best things in life are free.

But the best business advice online is definitely not!

Self-proclaimed gurus on YouTube or cheap outdated courses with no support will give you headaches, not help. You get a few pieces of the puzzle but never get to see the whole picture.

Freebies can only take you so far.

Join 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit and get to the finish line.

It’s Time to Generate Consistent Revenue with
90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit

✅ 9 Easily Digestible Modules that teach you everything you need to build a solid nonprofit infrastructure (with video)

✅ Easy Tech Vault

✅ Done-For-You Templates, Cheat Sheets + Guides

✅ Lifetime Access to course materials

✅​ BONUS #1: LIVE Weekly Coaching: Get step-by-step strategy + my eyes on your business

✅ BONUS #2: Private Community to ask questions and get feedback from me and others in the community

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #3: How To Build Out The Nonprofit Volunteer Program (valued at $2500)

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #4: Insider Secrets for Successful Grant Writing (valued at $497)

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #5: Board Recruitment Toolkit (valued at $3500)

Total Value = $14,238

Normal Price = $2997

You Pay = $1997*

(payment plans available with Klarna)

*use coupon code in email to avail $1000 OFF

Get the FAQs

  • The 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit is the whole shebang. It’s everything you need to build out a solid infrastructure and run an effective nonprofit. Most other courses only give you one piece: fundraising, grant writing, marketing or board development. The 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit is a comprehensive one-stop source for building out a successful nonprofit.

  • It depends on you. Participants have seen results in as little at 90 days, others within the first year. It will depend on how much time you spend doing the work.

  • It’s right for you if you want to stop self-funding your organization. It’s right for you if you want to transition from volunteer to paid employee. It’s right for you if you want to generate consistent outside funding. It’s right for you if you have no idea what you’re doing and want direction and clarity around how a nonprofit should and should not operate. It’s for you if you are ready to be honest and do the work.

  • You have 3 months to access the 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit community, but you will always have access to your course.

  • Perfect! Inside the 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit, you will learn how to build out a Funder-Ready website and Programs Funders love to Fund.

  • Heavens no! 90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit was built by a tech-adverse person (me!). The course is low tech, but for those tech-related activities, there are step-by-step instructions like how to log into a portal, site or access information.

  • It absolutely will work for you. The only way this will not work for you is if you don’t do the work. I gotchu! You’re not in this alone.

Still Not Convinced?

Press Play + Listen In To What Our Members Say…

“I am blown away by the level of information provided.

 I don’t think I would have had as much success and confidence as a leader on how to grow our board had I not attended Amber’s program. During the process I  applied for a grant, I felt very confident based on all that Amber shared in the program. As a result, we were awarded a $25,000 grant!”

Kimberley Abere, Executive Director
Black Rebirth Collective

It’s Time to Generate Consistent Revenue with
90 Days to a Profitable Nonprofit

✅ 9 Easily Digestible Modules that teach you everything you need to build a solid nonprofit infrastructure (with video)

✅ Easy Tech Vault

✅ Done-For-You Templates, Cheat Sheets + Guides

✅ Lifetime Access to course materials

✅​ BONUS #1: LIVE Weekly Coaching: Get step-by-step strategy + my eyes on your business

✅ BONUS #2: Private Community to ask questions and get feedback from me and others in the community

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #3: How To Build Out The Nonprofit Volunteer Program (valued at $2500)

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #4: Insider Secrets for Successful Grant Writing (valued at $497)

✅ MASTERCLASS SPECIAL BONUS #5: Board Recruitment Toolkit (valued at $3500)

Total Value = $14,238

Normal Price = $2997

You Pay = $1997*

(payment plans available with Klarna)

*use coupon code in email to avail $1000 OFF